Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


EGTop-Saint Nicolas

On December 5, 2007, the student company EGTop organized a St. Nicolas event for the children in the orphanage in Tisovec. We performed for the children a little play, sang songs together and played many interesting and educational games. Thanks to the donations of generous EGT students, we were able to prepare St. Nicolas packages, which made the kids very happy. The whole event was carried out in the Christian spirit.

text: Zuzana Živnerová, 4. A
photo: Zuzana Krejčiová, Lucia Szpeváková, 4. A

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Dňa 5. decembra 2007 študentská spoločnosť EGTop zorganizovala mikulášsku akciu pre deti z detského domova v Tisovci. Deti sme potešili divadlom, piesňami, hrali sme sa zábavné ale aj poučné hry. Vďaka zbierke a štedrým študentom EGT sme deťom pripravili bohaté mikulášske balíčky, ktoré ich veľmi potešili. Celá akcia sa niesla v kresťanskom duchu.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk